exchange rates march 2011
Daily noon exchange rates: 10-year lookup - Bank of Canada.
US Dollar Exchange Rates for March 24, 2011 (3/24/2011) - North.
Daily closing rates, past five days - Bank of Canada.
Deutsche Bank - Exchange Rates.
Historical Australian Dollar exchange rates against currencies .
US Dollar Exchange Rates for March 16, 2011 (3/16/2011) - North.
Historical US Dollar exchange rates against currencies in North .
Nominal quotations based on official parities or market rates, in terms of US dollars converted into Canadian dollars. Updated at about 16:30. (ET) the same .
Canadian Dollar Exchange Rates for March 29, 2011 (3/29/2011.
Rates of exchange calculated in accordance with Commission Regulation(EEC) No. 2454/93.
Historical US Dollar exchange rates against currencies in North .
The Operational Rates of Exchange listed herein are intended only for the internal. The operational rate of exchange for CUC is 0.99 since 1 Apr 2011.
Mar 31, 2011. US Dollar Exchange Rates for 31/03/2011 (31 March 2011).
exchange rates march 2011
Exchange Rates - CRDB Bank PLC.NSCB - Peso - US Dollar Watch.